Finn Fashion Friday celebrates Finnish fashion brands and responsibility. At Pomar, we're celebrating with great offers this year - Check out the offers below! You can find out more about the event itself on the Finn Fashion Friday website (in Finnish).
Pomar / 39093-202
Pomar / 18452-650
Pomar +plus / 38489-510
Pomar +plus / 38489-412
Pomar / 38487-102
Pomar / 38407-102
Pomar / 38177-120
Pomar / 38177-102
Pomar / 38136-100
Pomar / 38117-120
Pomar / 38117-112
Pomar / 38110-100
Pomar / 38060-222
Pomar / 37149-410
Pomar / 18995-112
Pomar / 18995-100
Pomar / 18987-902
Pomar / 18987-900
Pomar / 18954-110
Pomar / 18477-922
Pomar / 18477-912
Pomar / 18477-100
Pomar / 18452-932
Pomar / 18452-912
Pomar / 18452-910
Pomar / 18452-907
Pomar / 18443-912
Pomar / 18443-902